Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Role of an Artist #3

Role of the Artist #4: Artists give form to the immaterial - hidden or universal truths, spiritual forces, personal feelings.
 Buddhist iconography became popular in the sixth century and the figures are still popular today. Many religious folowers typically Buddhist followers but also with other religions, keep touch with their loved ones through these figures, and are very important to religion and also to art as well.

Aesthetic "Beauty"

Aesthetic "Beauty": conceived to stimulate a sense of beauty in the viewer. 

Juliana Santacruz Herrera is the artist behind this artwork. She used a procedure called yarnbombing. Herrera uses for form of crouching yarn and puts it into cracks in the street. She adds beauty to the break down of the streets in Paris, and unlikely canvas for an artist to work with. I feel that she is using color to portray a positive with a negative (the negative being the crack in the road). She is making it so when you look down and see a fault in society such as an unfixed pothole, she wants you to view it as a colorful fix.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Role of the Artist #2

2. Artists make visual records of the people, places and events of their time and place. 

This piece of art work is by Nicholas Hilliard, called the Ermine Portrait. This is a painting of Queen Elizabeth I in 1585. Hilliard captured many aspects of Queen Elizabeth I's life in this single painting. Her clothing and accessories show her social class and royalty. He supposedly added the ermine as a sign as her purity. This painting represents Queen Elizabeths I very well and helps us to get a feel of what she looked and acted like.

Role of The Artist #1

1. Artists help us to see the world in a new or innovative ways. 

I feel that this sculpture helps me see the world in a new or innovative way because at first glance you can tell that this sculpture is a person. But as you analyze the sculpture it makes you realize that your presence on Earth is only for a short period of time before you fade away, like everyone who has come and gone before you. You can tell that the artist if this sculpture is very in conscience of the fact that your life is only for a split second compared that the grand skeem of things.